Books Are Magical
Books Are Magical is a weekly podcast featuring three friends chatting about books. We cover multiple genres, including fantasy, science fiction, nonfiction, and contemporary fiction.
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Books Are Magical
Wintersmith by Terry Pratchett
Analicia reads her first ever Discworld novel! Join us as we laugh our way through Wintersmith!
Upcoming reads:
Spinning Silver by Naomi Novik
Hiddensee by Gregory Maguire
The Enchanted Sonata by Heather Dixon Wallwork
The Villa by Rachel Hawkins
The Encyclopaedia of Faeries by Heather Fawcett
hi everyone and welcome back to another episode of books are magical this is rachel and as always i am here with an alicia my amazing co host
[analicia]:hi everybody yeah
[rachael]:we are going to be discussing winter smith today which is one of terry pradget's most amazing books but of course what isn't amazing by terry projet i can't tell you but i will let an alicia kind of start a little bit but first an alicia i want you to tell me why you chose winter smith to begin with
[analicia]:well everyone keeps on telling me i know you have some friends in our discord have told me all about this world and how amazing it is and there's this
[analicia]:really great t v show that i watch on youtube it's like a a trivial show and they often feature questions about this world and every time they have a this world question and and someone answers that i'm like wow that sounds really cool i need to check into the series and see what the fuss is all about and i we knew that we wanted to do have like winter be the real theme of our december
[analicia]:episodes and so winter is my favorite month i love it so i've read a lot of winter vive books in my my life and i started okay i want to read something different something i haven't read yet and winter smith popped up on a couple of recommendations and i saw that it was book number thirty something i think i can't remember the exact number but then i was no i can't read this book i need to
[analicia]:read all the other books first and i don't have time to read thirty books i just want
[analicia]:to read winters with and then i tested you and i think i texted another friend on our discard
[analicia]:and i was like i really want to read this winter smith book but i don't have time to read all of this world am i going to be okay and you all reassured me like it's going to be okay just read it there all stand alone switch helloluya how ingenious is that like you don't find a lot of series that do that it's just so cool
[rachael]:so that's one of the great things about terry pratchett so i am i love terry pratchet i don't know how you've missed it but on my inner left arm i actually have the great tune the turtle
[analicia]:uh uh
[rachael]:on like on my arm tattooed with the turtle and the elephants and the disquirald tattooed on my inner rm
[rachael]:so i have this quorl tattooed on my arm for the past probably year and a half and because it's such it's such an amazing series yes you can read every single book out of order yes there is an order you can read them in but you don't have to there are even little series within the order you can read the witches you can read the night the the night ord yeah i think it's like the night guard like this like the city police in the night watch night watch sorry the night watch um or you can read like death the series about like death him he's just a super cool character
[analicia]:sounds awesome
[rachael]:yeah he's super he talks in all capital letters
[rachael]:like as you run across his dialogue in the
[rachael]:book his dialogue is all capital letters it's great he rides on a white horse name is blinkie binkie bank
[analicia]:i love it
[rachael]:just super fun but i'm telling you the wit the sass the humor i mean in this particular books that you read the nackmcfegl are a
[analicia]:they were my
[rachael]:are a prime example of the wit that terry project can instill in a book just cannot wait for you to tell me all of your favorite parts of this book i will tell you every single terry project book is quotable
[rachael]:and every single terry project book like there's there's a book called car pa jug um it's about vampires
[rachael]:they like some some of them don't really want
[rachael]:to like drink blood like
[rachael]:it's just it's just funny just it's there's one call going postal where this con man he has to like save the post office
[analicia]:oh my
[rachael]:it's like what like there's one about making money and it's like you know the same guy who does who has the rescue the post office now has to figure out a way to make currency like it's just he terry prate is fantastic about using using satire to talk about current current issues like money and politics and things like that current situations and putting such a set satirical spin on it really make you think and you're like wow like um honestly he talks about discrimination in such a way that you're like wow we actually do that and that is so wrong like i mean he talks about trolls and orks and golums and how they get so mistreated even though they're like these valuable members of society but because they're different or because they have different like values or they do different things like they get treated differently and you're like wow that's not right you're like crab like wow
[analicia]:yeah it's so funny you say that as i was reading this book i kept on thinking there's a lot of metaphors for capitalism in this book
[analicia]:and i also found some metaphors for mental illness and i was like this is so fascinating i just was completely sucked into this world so rachel i have to know if you can answer this question watch your favorite
[analicia]:discord book
[rachael]:my favorite disqiral book i'll tell you and it's funny and and i'll tell you why after i tell you what it is it's called thud h u d
[rachael]:and the main character is commander vines of the night watch and i will tell you i was audio booking that book i don't know what happened while i was listening to that book i died laughing
[rachael]:at one particular point of that book and that is one of the most memorable moments because there is one particular point that just hit me and i remember it in my head what point that was but for me to tell you you'd be like what but this poor this poor commander vimes was so sleep deprived he had a certain schedule every day he would do this certain task but at this particular point of the day um he's so sleep deprive and so many things are going on and he's like racing into battle to do something he starts like quoting a children's book while racing into battle and everybody gets so scared at him quoting a children's book
[rachael]:waving a sword around
[rachael]:that he like he wins because they give up
[analicia]:i love it
[rachael]:and i just died laughing because i could
[rachael]:just sure this whole thing in my head
[rachael]:and he just terry like i was just telling you i cried when i found out he passed away just a brilliant rilliant writer he was actually united sir um m he had actually if i remember correctly found a piece of media right and then i could be making this up but i feel like this may be accurate it would be so true to character of terry project but i feel like he had a piece of media rite that he actually turned into a sword and that was his sword
[analicia]:it is so cool
[rachael]:um but oh gosh it was so brilliant but i will tell you this and this may just not be something you know but him and nil gammon were very good friends
[rachael]:and so when terry project was close to his end i know he made no game and promise that upon his passing terry practice passing no gammon would take this hard drive of unfinished works
[rachael]:and pretty much steam roll it because this work would like these works were unfinished
[rachael]:now these works probably could have been published or finished by someone else but terry pro didn't want it to be done that way like he was like no if i can't finish it no one's going to finish it
[rachael]:and neil game and follow through with that request
[analicia]:it s
[rachael]:the chagrin
[analicia]:hard to do
[rachael]:of right i mean but no game an
[rachael]:terry project gammon both wrote good omens
[rachael]:which was a you know an amazon series that did really well and it was a great series but the book was wonder all is well but i just wonder what works were on that
[rachael]:hard drive because
[rachael]:they had to be had to be so amazing just
[analicia]:yeah i guess he didn't
[analicia]:want a robert jordan situation maybe where someone else had to finish out his work i do respect that about him though that he was like look if anyone's going to write these it's going to be me and mad respect also to nil gamin who did it i can imagine it would have been so tempting though too load them up and read them in i mean
[analicia]:but you got you got to respect
[analicia]:the dead wishes so i appreciate
[rachael]:right i bet he was such a cool person and i just know he had to probably be such such such an interesting character i just had to be yeah i just googled it and yet thirtaryprajet he did he had a
[rachael]:he forged his own sword out of a media right i was like i knew that story wasn't fake i knew he did it
[analicia]:that is
[analicia]:so cool i bet he would have been really fun to play dunces and dragons with i bet he would have come up with the most interesting back stories for all these people
[rachael]:oh probably oh i would have loved him to be the d m and
[rachael]:just like see like even if he threw us in this world like the adventures we would have gone on
[analicia]:oh that would be such you know i never thought of that that would be such a great back job for a dungeons and dragons world like i now we're currently doing our current story line in this really cool mythology based world but if we ever do another session can we do it in this
[analicia]:world because that would be so much fun
[rachael]:that might be a brilliant brilliant next campaign with that i mean there are plenty of characters and things we could do that would be amazing i
[analicia]:it and i'm really sorry for not noticing your tattoo i am famously oblivious in terms of things around me people be like you didn't see that sign you didn't see this there's people
[analicia]:have blinders on and
[rachael]:i will show you next time we get to hang out on the eleventh i think is
[rachael]:when i'll actually get you
[rachael]:so i'll be sure to show show to you on that day
[analicia]:okay cool because yeah i'm the type of person i just i just stare straight ahead and i'm often not even where i'm like i'll be in a group hanging out with people but i'm in my whole world the whole time just that's true
[analicia]:that's just how i operate so i've always been a little a little little awkward like that
[rachael]:that is okay i'm ready i'm ready to dive into winter smith and see what you thought so we can talk
[rachael]:about the ones you need to read next
[analicia]:yes okay so i just sgoogled this first i wanted to read out i guess this is one of the orders that you
[analicia]:can read the tiffany aching books in so the first one was the wee men which was published in two thousand three a hat full sky came out in two thousand four winter smith two thousand six sheller midnight twenty ten and then the shepherd's crown was published in twenty fifteen so of course me i picked the one that slap dab in the middle because i would do that some
[analicia]:good read sat it currently
[analicia]:has four point two four stars i feel like that's one of the highest rating of a book that we've covered so far i mean it seemed like everyone
[rachael]:probably so
[analicia]:everyone loved this book i was reading all the reviews and i was like oh my gosh i can't wait to get my hands into it
[analicia]:and it was published
[rachael]:i will say for terry praet books that's probably lower
[rachael]:four point two five probably lower than a lot of other terry project books because i feel like some people think terry the tiffany
[rachael]:akins kings are quote unquote juvenile compared to some of his other works but that's i don't know i think it's i think is dealer's choice i think they're all absolutely wonderful the nacmacfegal are some
[rachael]:of the best characters that have ever been written
[rachael]:in my personal opinion
[analicia]:love them love them they i want to go live with them in their little caves or wherever it is they live with i want to be their kilda and
[analicia]:just hang out with them like laugh at them behind their backs
[analicia]:and be like did you see that
[analicia]:you know just watch them do stupid things love it and like they said earlier it was published september twenty first two thousand six by harper publishing group and it is three hundred and twenty five pages so it's a pretty slim buck i went through it so quickly i was laughing out loud my sides were hurting my husband would look up and be like what are you reading like it sounds like i need to be reading that and like yes like i bought it on my end uh you know it's in our shared family library go for it and this is a book that i really want to get my husband to read and this would be such a great book to read to my
[analicia]:when he's nine or ten um
[analicia]:you know
[analicia]:i feel like for if your kid has read all the harry potter books i feel like these tiffany aching books would be a really great way to it kids enjoy that magic that magical world but i feel like in a weird way yes harry potter it gets towards more dark and grown
[analicia]:up towards the end so i know some
[analicia]:parents still read like books one two and three with their kids and then they'll wait a couple of years before they read books for five understandably there's a lot of trauma in death in pretty awful things that happen in the the later half of the series but this would be such a great light hearted read to read aloud with your children i cannot wait to share this with me my son
[rachael]:yeah it really does teach a lot of there are a lot of points where tiffany has to
[rachael]:learn responsibility to kind of own up to taking responsibility for her actions that's a really important lesson that kids like need to learn early on like
[rachael]:hey you you know you step in now like you know
[rachael]:you need to take care of it
[analicia]:you got to be accountable
[analicia]:for your actions for sure
[analicia]:and we definitely do see tiffany um cleaning
[analicia]:up after her messes and it looks like also
[analicia]:the messes of others and that's kind of where she grows into her persona as a witch a young woman and love her i just love tephany she's so cool
[analicia]:so if you have not read the book this is your spoiler morning if you have not read it hit pause go check out your book at the library
[analicia]:go to your favorite book store come back we'll still be here you're
[analicia]:going to spoil the heck out of winter smith this book has been out for a while
[rachael]:they've had they've had years to read it
[rachael]:poil the heck out of it go for it
[analicia]:okay okay so here we are so tiffany akin aching tiffany aching excuse me a thirteen year old witch is training with mis treason much feared and respected which tiffany does most of the tours
[analicia]:and errands for treason who is blind that can use the eyes of other people or animals to see that part as i was reading it freaked me out can you imagine like knowing someone is taking over your mind and your eyes and looking
[rachael]:yeah tephany said she could tell like cause she could feel the itching in her eyes
[rachael]:she was like mastriza
[analicia]:stop it
[rachael]:be like oh no
[rachael]:yeah that would be really
[rachael]:creepy that
[analicia]:not like
[analicia]:so she uses the
[analicia]:eyes and yeah tiffany was describing that like that weird feeling that you get when she takes over your body i would not enjoy that at all so one evening she takes tiffany to dance out in the middle of the woods and the dance marks the change of seasons and she tells her you stick to the sidelines no matter what no matter what mistaking you say like you don't you don't participate in the time it's what's going
[analicia]:to happen when you tell a kid not to do
[analicia]:so well of course tiffany is lured into the dance and she keeps on claiming i didn't intend to like i did mean to it wasn't my fault but as you were saying earlier she has to learn how to take responsibility for her part yes she did participate in the dance so when she dances um there's this like series of events set into motion that then she has to fix so shortly after the dance treason passes away and i was really sad i was i liked miss treason yeah she was weird in so many ways but as a fellow weird like self self proclaimed weird person like that's my people like i like you is treason like yes you
[analicia]:some really weird things but
[analicia]:i liked her she had a lot of gumption and a lot of wisdom to share with tephany and so i was pretty
[analicia]:bumped out when she died and i thought it was kind of cool how she was like i'm going to die in two days so let's go ahead and have the funeral now and tivities like what
[rachael]:she's like i want to enjoy it like let's go tell everybody let's you know let's get everybody involved like i want i want to make sure this is done right
[analicia]:and i thought that's pretty cool
[analicia]:you know that way the correct songs are played at your funeral you know that the correct foods are served everything goes to plan and so of course everyone ms from m get sara as quickly as they can and they have this beautiful funeral i just thought it was really cool how this group
[analicia]:of community mainly women you know come together to kind
[analicia]:of sell at her life and so but of course even before she's cold in the ground there's a bunch of other witches being like well who's going to get your cottage mary is going to get her cap in and one of the annie's is it under god what's her name i forget her name what is it weatherwax maybe i forget who it is
[rachael]:grannie weatherwax is like the primary which she is like
[rachael]:in the rest of the dis world series grannie weatherwax is the witch
[analicia]:oh cool i didn't
[analicia]:know that
[rachael]:is so like if you read any other like of the witches like there's goin to be a series of books within the disworld series granny weatherwax is the witch
[rachael]:of those books so granny weatherwax is a big big character
[rachael]:so when you read so if you ever read shepard's crown that book is also about granny weatherwax
[analicia]:oh well i'm definitely going to so i've decided since i've started with tiffany aching when i get time again
[analicia]:i don't know when that will be but one of these
[analicia]:days because like i said in our last so i still haven't even i've been on chapter two of the audiobook of priory of the orange tree and i need to get to page four hundred in like before club meeting in like a week so i don't
[analicia]:know when that's going to happen plus reading a lot of our january books but it will happen but when i do get back to this world i want to start with beef men and then end up with shepherds crown i went i read all this any aching books i found this really
[analicia]:cool website where it had recommended readings it's kind of like and there was a lot of
[analicia]:really good debate i think it was on the subredit and it's kind of like when you ask a star wars fan the order that the movies should be watched in like fisticuffs are going to come out because people like no you don't watch the pretty cools first you watch you know episodes for five and six and now there's
[analicia]:people like no you've got to watch the many series on disney plus so there was a lot of people going back and forth about the way to read it so the way i'm going to do it if anyone cares is all the tiney aching books and then i'm going to focus meanly on the characters like you said there
[analicia]:was that character n death seems like there were other
[analicia]:characters a mort guys
[rachael]:if you you yeah if you do the with if you do tiffany aching i would follow that by the witches
[rachael]:i would i would read like the witches and then maybe follow that by death
[rachael]:um because if you if you read tiffany aching and then you end on shepard's crown you're going to want more back story on
[rachael]:granny weatherwax
[rachael]:which is where you're going to want to read the witches um and then you can go from there and maybe you want to do the wizards and then maybe you want to do the night watch and then maybe you like you know or you know death or what have you but yeah you'll be able to like knock them out in little batches
[analicia]:i think that's the way to do it because i think if i started book one i'm going to get really overwhelmed whereas if i look at i have all
[analicia]:these beautiful presents of different character arts and i'm going to wrap
[analicia]:them and savor them slowly like a like a genuine belgian chocolate just like let
[analicia]:thing melt
[rachael]:of them
[analicia]:in your tongue right
[rachael]:some of them don't fall into one of those little character arts but that's okay you can kind of say those all for the end for
[rachael]:those who like the sprinkles of seasoning or what have you
[analicia]:yeah the sprinkles
[analicia]:on the cup cake i'm not going to complain
[rachael]:there you go
[analicia]:yeah so uh i think we were at miss treason's funeral and there's this
[analicia]:character that i want to punch in the face her name is anagramma and
[analicia]:i just really didn't like her and i like she's like it's my cottage and tephany honestly
[analicia]:doesn't care but i think it was weather wax whose she lets out this rumour like i think tiffany should get it
[analicia]:and of course intagrama is studying under the switch i think it was spelled ear wig but in the novel it pronounced it and i was like i don't understand so i'm just calling her which ear
[rachael]:yes so miss
[rachael]:earwig she
[rachael]:wanted to she wanted it to be said like a witch
[rachael]:instead but but it literally was ear wig
[rachael]:but she just didn't want to stay i'm
[rachael]:like that so she was like a wig and just like
[rachael]:know it's not that it's
[analicia]:off your
[rachael]:when joe dirt wants to be called like joe dirty and it's like dirt son don't try to shirk it to church it up
[analicia]:i'm going to target target after this
[rachael]:yeah yeah
[analicia]:uh ways so there's this whole big to do over who is going to get the cottage and intagramma winds and intagramma is this shout of water she doesn't know how to handle the villagers complaints she is she's like very book smart in terms of magic but she isn't street smart makes sense she doesn't know
[analicia]:she isn't no people's skills
[analicia]:so i love how tiffany gets all the friends together there's like the pig whisper i don't remember her name she was also one of my favorite characters she was like a pig
[analicia]:witch and i just really love that that she is like so specialized it's like no i'm not going to my doctor i'm going to my cardiologist i'm going to my neurologist
[analicia]:i'm going to my pig witch
[rachael]:hey you know what you're never going to lose a pig if
[rachael]:you know what you got to pick for
[rachael]:you big witch
[analicia]:i mean that would be such a boon i think even there was this one part where someone was like
[analicia]:you know a lot of people would want to be marrying her because it's such a practical skill to have
[analicia]:being a pick h
[rachael]:very valuable on a farm
[analicia]:and it made me think what would i be would i be like a sheep witch a pig witch what kind of witch would i be so i still haven't figured
[rachael]:i hope
[analicia]:that one
[rachael]:a witch that can cook
[analicia]:yes but you already are an excellent cook so i don't think it's too far of a stretch for you
[rachael]:i just don't think i had those mid witchery skills that that that tiffany has
[rachael]:birth and babies is not my thing
[rachael]:when my co worker was in the office and she's literally do i'm like you please do not have that baby in this office today
[rachael]:i don't know what to do if you if you your water breaks oh
[analicia]:i'm just say i like as you
[analicia]:know i gave birth very prematurely to my son i didn't even have my birth plan written out like i just it was a may morning he was due to late july it was a mid may morning and i woke up and something told me to go to the hospital and they rushed me by ambulance to the huge central hospital in our state in ashville and from like a little town in the middle of nowhere so they have taken to the big city and they're like
[analicia]:you're having this baby right now like well no i don't have a birth plan like i do i don't even know what i want to do so
[analicia]:yeah yeah i feel on that it was yeah birth and babies is not for the faint hearted for sure yeah
[rachael]:so but yeah an and grandma just does not know what to do she's she knows about quoteunquote magic but she
[rachael]:knows nothing about being a witch
[analicia]:exactly she doesn't know how to do the day to day stuff like when people are arguing over whose cow it is she isn't able to the day to day things that people actually need those skills of like
[analicia]:yeah like birth and the baby or having you settling a dispute so tephany
[analicia]:sees that she's struggling and all of her friends get together and they go but an gramma tells the village i'm teaching them and i'm just like an gramma you little see you you know like you suck
[rachael]:yeah yeah
[rachael]:it's true it's
[rachael]:true she she is a little smart isn't she
[analicia]:yes she really is uh yeah do not care for her at all but she ends up kind of redeeming herself in this school scene that sal hit on later so the winter smith back the whole thing about the book so whenever tephany participates in this dance the winter smith basically mistakes tiffany for the summer lady and he starts to fall in love with tiffany and at first i was like oh my god like tiffany sartin this sky is eon old is there some weird petafhelia thing so for a while
[analicia]:i got a little uneasy because again this is my first discord book i don't know what to expect
[analicia]:and i was like i'm putting this book down i don't care but if there's like some weird padafelia stuff going on i am not here
[analicia]:for it but
[rachael]:ah yeah
[analicia]:it quickly became apparent that this was not going to be that kind of book i was like okay
[analicia]:because tephany
[analicia]:realize as quickly that she has to solve this because the winter smith is throwing basically nature out of whack as he's trying to turn himself into a human like he comes across this really adore a group of children and he's like how do i become a man and they're like they give him like all these nonsitsical tours he has to do dot's every one and they're all they're all hilarious i wish i could remember them
[rachael]:it's pretty much like i don't know the little the little rhyme they gave him but it's pretty much the frogs and snails and puppy dog tails things
[rachael]:but it's the squirrel version of it
[rachael]:and like think this is the stuff to make a man but instead of the frogs and snails and puppy dog tails that we kind of grow up like hearing like these things little boys are made of like
[rachael]:there was like this this enough to me a man it was like okay i need this and he's like all right put this together what do you take it so literally
[analicia]:yeah it's a withtifiny season she's like i kind of imagined them in my head is like frosty the snow man in a weird way like
[analicia]:he's like look i'm a man and like how do you need to sit you down like
[analicia]:like i'm so happy for you that you tried but no this is not going to happen uh
[analicia]:yeah so he follows this recipe to a t he does
[analicia]:his best god bless his little heart there
[rachael]:not quite there
[analicia]:yeah so yeah like i said the winter smith is obsessed with her there's this really cool cornucopia which i wish i had any time i wanted i was craving like some fresh grapes or whatever i could just like cornicopia i love this seed like where it's like spitting out chickens or is it eggs i can't remember and like the house is like overrun with chickens and i just love the cortacopia
[rachael]:and the kidden gets lost in the cornucopia
[analicia]:oh oh so good it was so
[rachael]:weather wax like i don't want this kidden
[rachael]:and then
[analicia]:i love that
[analicia]:it's like the dad that doesn't want the puppy or the kitten and then like
[analicia]:two years later like i will die for this cat you know
[rachael]:definitely bonds with the kitten
[rachael]:she's like i don't want this kitten
[rachael]:one over here
[rachael]:under my hat you
[rachael]:don't see anything
[rachael]:getting into the hat
[analicia]:yeah so anyways so my favorite part of the book was the neck macfeegles i hope i'm pronouncing that correctly
[rachael]:you are
[analicia]:grannie weatherwax basically lets them know hey it's your responsibility to make sure that tiffany
[analicia]:comes out of this in one piece and they take that very literally so the nakmavecles they were these tiny blue tattooed people with red hair and their society revolves around a patriarchal figure called kild and i thought this was really cool so they are a metriarchal society the celt picks her own husband and he becomes known the big man and i think
[analicia]:rob was the big man this clan which of course robins my husband so i was like i was making jokes to him as i was reading this i was like
[analicia]:see i am kilda i've got a
[analicia]:big man
[analicia]:rob yeah rob any place
[analicia]:um and
[analicia]:even spelled
[rachael]:of the ways
[analicia]:i think it was even spelled with two bees or maybe i'm remembering
[analicia]:that but my husband spells his rob with two bees
[rachael]:it happened at the foot
[analicia]:yeah um and so
[analicia]:in their society they mostly produce male offspring girls are rarely born but when they do
[analicia]:or when a girl is born they leave to go become hilda of anothe clean and so
[analicia]:it almost kind of reminds me of bees my
[analicia]:brother is a bee keeper and so i've had to you know just being around him i've learned a lot about be society and thought it's so cool and i guess it's a topic for another day because yeah bee society is really cool
[analicia]:and what i really love about them is they're so fisty and they get their feelings hurt really quickly and they like to hurt each other's feelings but they forgive so quickly and they just
[analicia]:get over it it's just so they're adorable i love them i imagine
[rachael]:so i know
[rachael]:i don't know if you pick this up no this is a fantastic thing about the nacfefegl they think this particular world is the after life and they think the after life
[rachael]:is like the real live so they think they can do anything here which is why they don't think they can really die here because they
[rachael]:think they're already dead
[analicia]:i didn't pick up on that
[rachael]:it's a great thing yes
[analicia]:why they're
[rachael]:that yes
[analicia]:that's why they're doing all the crazy stuff with like no fear
[analicia]:i'm like you guys
[analicia]:are like this t all yeah
[rachael]:and they're superhumanly
[rachael]:strong too
[analicia]:yeah i just i love them i love them
[rachael]:so yes there absolutely some of my favorite favorite discord characters actually one of them becomes a night guard
[rachael]:on in the dis world series and love him he is literally one of the best enforcers that they have on the force it's great
[analicia]:well because he already thinks he's dead so he's like i'm doing
[analicia]:i'm taking my job very seriously here
[rachael]:oh yes
[analicia]:okay well i'm definitely i'm
[analicia]:so sucked into this world i love it
[analicia]:so the nacmacfegles they get the baron's son who goes by the name of roland and they go into the underworld and they fetch the true summer lady to help save the world from an eternal winter and uh oh my gosh i think this was the most this was the funniest part of the book this is the part that just had me dying because of course the features the nacmacfegles how could not be amazing um and this scene like there's a lot of scenes i have a lot of flavors of greek mythology um and it's just it was so good um and i really love how the necmecficles get around the rules of the underworld by being so annoying that they're like look we'll do anything to get you out of here you don't have to pay me to cross the river you don't have to do none of that just please
[analicia]:go and never
[rachael]:the d and d group could have taken notes
[analicia]:yeah side note yeah we have a bunches and dragons group where we literally went to the underworld in one of our earliest meet ups
[analicia]:so the summer lady returns to earth and tiffany is able to release the winter smith
[analicia]:and she realizes hey i must stop and that's why i had to go to all of these insane steps to set things right like you said earlier it's about her becoming an adult and developing like her inner witch and outer witch and she takes accountability i also love that she doesn't wear black she wears like all these
[analicia]:really cool bright colors like i'm a pastel girl as you can see i'm in my childhood
[analicia]:bedroom right now and like it's painted like past pink like that's just so me like i love anything
[analicia]:that as like easter threw up
[analicia]:on it um and she realizes hey
[analicia]:i changed the natural order of things this is what i have to do take responsibility um and yeah i gave the book five out of five stars and it is now my mission to read all of the dis
[analicia]:world books at least twice before i die so i have a pretty
[rachael]:very nice
[analicia]:i have a lot of
[analicia]:editions on my tborshelf now and
[analicia]:i asked my husband for christmas up for a few this world books so hopefully santa claus pulls through
[rachael]:very nice i too would give this book a five out of five there is i would read this series
[rachael]:this book over and over again i will just remind you the next book is called i shall wear midnight
[analicia]:no tephany don't give in don't give in
[rachael]:oh just remember
[rachael]:the next book in the series is called i shall wear midnight so
[analicia]:don't do it just just wear the were the bright blues and greens it's you've
[analicia]:got to make the world colorful you know i mean look i love black i love to wear
[analicia]:black like i'm super pale so i feel like it's the color that looks really
[analicia]:good on me but i i nothing against the little back tress but you got to have color in your life
[rachael]:it's true so for the tiffany aching definitely go back and start with we free men
[rachael]:i think i think you'll absolutely want to read read winter smith when you come to it that series
[rachael]:you'll go wing free men hatful of sky you'll probably want to read winter smith again just because you'll you'll understand the sequence of events even better
[rachael]:um from the fact that they do reference that tiffany was the kilda in the past and you'll see you'll you'll know what they talk you'll see when that happened but you'll also learn more about tiffany achings grandmother granny aching
[analicia]:oh coco
[rachael]:um because that happens also in some of those past books as well and you'll hear about her growing up on the chalk and those things like that so you'll get a lot of that back story when you get to shepherd's crown i want you to prepare yourself because
[rachael]:that is the i only say this and i say this with all the love and affection i can say it with it is the very last book that terry projet ever wrote and it is his good bye letter to his fame as
[analicia]:oh i'm like
[rachael]:it is
[analicia]:i'm tearing up now like i just got the chills
[rachael]:yet um so when you read it he is saying good bye to you his reader
[analicia]:oh my gosh i don't think i'm ready for that maybe i should
[analicia]:re think this
[rachael]:so that is my only warning it is that was the hardest book that i ever had to read out of that series
[analicia]:okay thank
[rachael]:because even though the story is about grannie aching you can tell he is saying it's not but granny agen i'm sorry it's granny weather wax he himself is saying goodbye to us the reader
[rachael]:yeah you have been forewarned m
[analicia]:issues already already
[rachael]:from from a person who has shed tears over that book
[analicia]:you know maybe i want to save that book for last and maybe maybe start another character art and then end how i began with tiffany aching perhaps
[rachael]:you may want to save you may want to save shepard's crown for after the witches because you'll want to you'll want to kind of read about granny weather wax and name og
[rachael]:and all of the other witches in their prime and in their heyday and all the all their antics because they are so funny they are
[analicia]:them i loved
[analicia]:all those women
[analicia]:i once you grow up and become
[analicia]:those women i want to be granny weatherwax when i grow up and like that kitten she's like i think she is said something like i'm not going to amid or something like that and i'm like yeah you're totally that dad who didn't want the cat but the catches
[analicia]:lives on your shoulder
[analicia]:yeah yeah
[analicia]:i just want
[analicia]:to say
[rachael]:been warned
[analicia]:i just want to say thank you so much to um because you suggested this world to me you know you kind of gently nudged me in this direction and i just want to say a big thing you in a big hug because this is a new world for me that i seriously cannot get enough of um as you all know i love kevin hern as i was reading about the neck goals and their silliness i kept on thinking
[analicia]:of kevin hern's writing because his writing does the same thing just leave me in stitches i can read those books over
[analicia]:and over again and so i feel like as a fan of like the hounded ink and sigil books i feel like if you like those books you will love this world love those books like
[analicia]:thank you i love them i want to live in this world
[analicia]:i want to be
[analicia]:a pig
[analicia]:no i just want to say go rita like what are you
[analicia]:doing sitting here listening to us like get out of your seat or whatever you're doing and drive to your news book store buy this book please
[rachael]:hey one of my one of my personal reads for the coming month is actually hog father because it's one of my december like one of my drive to disney world books i've got on my audible so it's the hog father is their version of santa claus so i'm i'm excited because he looks like a hog but he's also addressed like santa so definitely
[rachael]:going to be it's going to be ridicu lesley fun yeah
[analicia]:another reason to be a pig with you can charm santa
[analicia]:or hog father
[analicia]:get all the presents
[analicia]:even if you've been naughty
[analicia]:well if you've
[analicia]:made it this far we want to say thank you so much for listening and joining us every week we love hearing from you if you ever want to reach out our socials are list
[analicia]:the end of every episode and rachel do
[analicia]:have anything
[analicia]:else to add about this amazing book
[rachael]:yeah please go out there and read any dis world and then come back and tell us what you thought
[rachael]:and we'll see you on the next page